As Bitcoin continues to grow and establish itself as a robust form of digital currency, new solutions, and technologies are emerging to enhance its capabilities and usability.

These innovations are often built on Bitcoin’s core protocol, introducing additional layers of functionality or addressing challenges that Bitcoin alone cannot directly resolve.

For instance, the Lightning Network enables faster and more affordable transactions by moving most activity off Bitcoin’s primary blockchain.

Similarly, sidechains like the Liquid Network provide features such as confidential transactions and tokenized assets.

Protocols like RGB are being developed to facilitate smart contract creation and digital asset issuance on Bitcoin without compromising the security or decentralization of the main blockchain. These advancements highlight the evolving nature of the Bitcoin ecosystem as it adapts to new needs and market demands.

In this article, we’ll explore the RGB protocol in more detail.

Shall we get started?

What is the RGB protocol?

RGB is an open-source set of protocols built on the Bitcoin blockchain, designed to enable the creation and execution of confidential and secure smart contracts.

In simple terms, the RGB protocol is a technology that facilitates the creation and management of smart contracts and tokenized assets with privacy and scalability.

Unlike systems that rely on sidechains or additional layers, RGB uses client-side validation. This means contract information and states are managed off-chain, while the Bitcoin blockchain is used solely to record commitments. This approach ensures the blockchain remains efficient and secure, without being burdened by operational details.

RGB, which stands for “Really Good Bitcoin,” is a groundbreaking open-source protocol that brings smart contract functionality to the Bitcoin network.

Who developed the RGB Protocol?

The RGB protocol was initially proposed between 2015 and 2016 by a group of developers and Bitcoin enthusiasts, most notably Jacob Mazukov and Giacomo Zucco, a prominent Bitcoin advocate and expert in cryptography and privacy.

Giacomo Zucco played a key role in shaping the RGB concept and promoting the idea of using the Bitcoin blockchain as a commitment layer for smart contracts and tokenized assets. By keeping contract data off the blockchain, this approach ensures both privacy and scalability.

Giacomo Zucco

In addition to Zucco, several other developers in the Bitcoin community contributed to the development of RGB. Among them is Peter Todd, a cryptographer and developer who has been involved in numerous technical aspects of Bitcoin. Their combined efforts, along with input from other key figures, have been instrumental in advancing the protocol and implementing its features.

Furthermore, the team behind RGB continues to work on improving and expanding the protocol, aiming to make it an even more powerful tool for enabling smart contracts and tokenized assets within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

RGB protocol use cases

The RGB protocol is designed as a flexible solution, offering various applications across different domains. Here are its primary use cases:

1. Issuance and Management of Digital Assets (Tokens)

  • Stablecoins: Issuance of fiat-backed stablecoins, allowing for transactions and value storage in the Bitcoin environment without the typical volatility of cryptocurrencies.
  • Physical Asset Representation: Creation of tokens representing physical assets like gold, real estate, or commodities, allowing these assets to be traded digitally.
  • Stocks and Bonds: Issuance and management of tokenized stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments, enabling the creation of more efficient and accessible capital markets.

2. Complex Smart Contracts

  • Futures Contracts: Enable futures contracts on tokenized assets, such as bitcoins, commodities, or other tokens, where parties can agree to buy or sell an asset at a future date at a preset price.
  • Options Contracts: Create options contracts, allowing investors to buy or sell the right to acquire an asset at a specific price within a defined period.
  • Loan Contracts: Implement smart contracts for loans, where tokenized assets can be used as collateral, and payment terms and interest rates are automatically managed.

3. Governance Systems and DAOs

  • Voting Rights Tokenization: Create tokens representing voting rights in decentralized organizations or companies, enabling transparent and auditable governance.
  • DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations): Manage DAOs using smart contracts on the RGB protocol, allowing the organization’s rules and decisions to be executed automatically and decentralized.

4. Certification and Identity

  • Document Certification: Issue digital certificates that can be verified and stored on the blockchain, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of diplomas, patents, or other official documents.
  • Digital Identity: Create digital identity systems where credentials are stored and verified using RGB’s unique seal technology, ensuring privacy and data security.

5. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

  • Lending and Savings Platforms: Implement DeFi platforms offering loans, savings, and other financial services directly on Bitcoin infrastructure, utilizing tokenized assets and smart contracts on the RGB protocol.
  • Liquidity Pools and Swaps: Create liquidity pools and decentralized swap platforms for RGB tokens, allowing for efficient liquidity and trading of tokenized assets.

6. Payment Systems

  • Private Payments: Use tokens issued on the RGB protocol for enhanced privacy payments, as transaction details and contract states are not visible on the Bitcoin blockchain.
  • Integration with Lightning Network: RGB can be combined with the Lightning Network for instant and scalable payments, using tokens issued on the protocol.

7. Art and Digital Collectibles Markets (NFTs)

  • NFT Creation and Trading: Issue NFTs (non-fungible tokens) on the RGB protocol to represent artworks, collectibles, or other unique digital items, allowing these assets to be traded in a decentralized manner.
  • Authenticity Verification: Use the RGB protocol to create authenticity certificates for digital or physical art, ensuring provenance and originality can be reliably verified.

8. Crowdfunding and ICO Platforms

  • Decentralized Crowdfunding: Implement crowdfunding platforms where funds are managed by smart contracts, ensuring that resources are released as project goals are met.
  • ICOs and STOs: Facilitate token issuance for Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) or Security Token Offerings (STOs) securely and regulated, using the ‘Really Good Bitcoin’ infrastructure.

9. Supply Chain Systems

  • Product Traceability: Tokenize products throughout the supply chain, allowing each stage of production and distribution to be tracked and verified immutably.
  • Origin Certification: Issue digital certificates attesting to the origin and authenticity of products, such as organic foods, precious metals, or pharmaceuticals.

10. Insurance and Derivatives

  • Insurance Contracts: Create insurance contracts that execute automatically, where payments are made as predefined conditions (such as meeting insurance policy requirements) are met.
  • Financial Derivatives: Implement derivative products, such as swaps or forwards, using tokenized assets on the RGB protocol, allowing for risk management and speculation within Bitcoin.

In summary, the RGB protocol provides a versatile platform for creating a wide range of applications, from digital asset issuance to decentralized financial systems and smart contracts.

Do we really need other tokens on Bitcoin?

The RGB protocol, initially designed as a solution for token creation, has faced criticism—even from some of its developers.

When RGB was first conceptualized, its primary focus was on enabling token issuance. However, this approach introduced challenges, particularly with client-side validation. For example, it was difficult to prevent multiple tokens from being sent to the same UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output).

In other words, the original RGB protocol worked effectively only in scenarios with a single RGB token or when creating a new output was required. 

During this time, one of the developers was exploring ways to enhance Bitcoin’s programmability. He was also working on a machine learning protocol that, while not decentralized, was censorship-resistant.

As early as 2018, this developer foresaw the potential for censorship in the training and deployment of neural networks, anticipating centralized control over artificial intelligence by governments and large corporations—a concern that has become increasingly relevant today. To counter this, he began exploring how Bitcoin’s censorship-resistant properties could protect machine learning.

However, scaling such a solution on the traditional blockchain proved unfeasible. This led to the realization that RGB’s single-use seal concept could enable scalable, censorship-resistant computation using Bitcoin as the foundation.

With RGB, it became possible to perform complex and scalable computations, such as smart contracts and token management, in a censorship-resistant manner. This functionality could extend to both layer one (on-chain) and layer two (e.g., Lightning Network) transactions, abstracting the blockchain while maintaining compatibility with any Bitcoin transaction, whether mined or part of a Lightning channel.

Between 2018 and 2019, the potential of the RGB protocol started gaining recognition. However, interest in tokens on Bitcoin waned, leading to a period of stagnation in the project.

Despite this, Bitfinex—one of the project’s earliest supporters—expressed interest in bringing Tether to Bitcoin as a way to scale transactions. This renewed enthusiasm, and in 2019, several contributors came together to collaborate on the development and enhancement of the protocol.

What is the RGB ecosystem like and which companies are involved?

Currently, the RGB ecosystem comprises different entities, both for-profit and nonprofit. 

Companies like Bitfinex are involved for commercial reasons, such as implementing Tether on Bitcoin. Fulgur Ventures, an investment fund focused on the Bitcoin ecosystem, has recognized the potential of the RGB protocol and encouraged its portfolio companies to adopt this technology.

Additionally, companies like Bitrefill and Inbitcoin have joined the initiative.

LNP/BP Standards Association

To prevent commercial interests from influencing protocol development, the LNP/BP (Lightning Network Protocol/Bitcoin Protocol) Standards Association, a nonprofit organization, was established.

The organization was founded to ensure that all RGB protocol development is conducted independently, preserving the project’s integrity.

The association’s name, LNP/BP, is inspired by the TCP/IP protocol, which became the internet standard. Similarly, LNP/BP aims to establish a standard for a new generation of decentralized, censorship-resistant services built on Bitcoin, with the RGB protocol aligning with this vision.

Technologies used in the RGB Protocol

The Really Good Bitcoin (RGB) protocol offers endless possibilities, reflecting a significant level of complexity in its technical functionality.

Below is a summary of the key technologies used and a brief explanation of how they integrate with the protocol:

1. Bitcoin Blockchain:

  • Security Base: The Bitcoin blockchain serves as the security foundation for the RGB protocol. Although contract and tokenized asset data are not stored directly on the blockchain, Bitcoin is used to record cryptographic commitments that guarantee the integrity and immutability of RGB contracts and transactions.
  • UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output): RGB leverages Bitcoin’s UTXO model to reference assets and contracts, using unique seals anchored to Bitcoin transactions, ensuring that each state can be validated in a decentralized manner.

2. Client-Side Validation:

  • Local Processing: In the RGB protocol, state and transaction validation occurs on the client side, meaning each user is responsible for validating the information locally, without relying on centralized nodes or the blockchain for this verification.
  • Privacy: This approach (client-side validation) ensures that operations remain private, as contract data is not transmitted or stored on the Bitcoin blockchain, but rather is kept by the participants themselves.

3. Commitment Schemes:

  • Cryptographic Commitments: Contract and asset data in RGB are protected by cryptographic commitment schemes, allowing information to be hashed and recorded on the blockchain without revealing the underlying details.
  • Single-Use Seals: Single-use seals are a specific type of cryptographic commitment that ensures a state or asset can only be spent or altered once. This is crucial for preventing fraud, such as double-spending, and ensuring contract integrity.

4. Merkle Trees:

  • Merkle Trees: These are data structures that enable efficient verification of large data sets. In the RGB protocol, Merkle trees are used to organize and validate contract states and asset ownership efficiently, allowing only small data portions to be verified while maintaining the integrity of the entire set.

5. Bulletproofs:

  • Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Bulletproofs are a type of zero-knowledge proof used to ensure that information can be verified without revealing its contents. In the RGB protocol, Bulletproofs help maintain the privacy of contract and transaction details, enabling verification without compromising privacy.

6. Scriptless Scripts:

  • Simplified Smart Contracts: Scriptless scripts are a technique that allows the implementation of smart contracts without complex scripts on the blockchain. They use digital signatures to implement smart contract logic off-chain, enhancing efficiency and privacy.
  • Compatibility with Schnorr: RGB utilizes the flexibility of scriptless scripts in combination with Schnorr signatures (introduced with Taproot) to create smart contracts that are indistinguishable from regular Bitcoin transactions.

7. Taproot and Schnorr Signatures:

  • Taproot: An upgrade to Bitcoin that enables more efficient and private transactions by combining multiple spending conditions into a single condition. In the RGB protocol, Taproot facilitates the implementation of more complex and private smart contracts.
  • Schnorr Signatures: Provide a more efficient way to aggregate signatures and spending conditions, essential for implementing scriptless scripts in RGB, allowing greater privacy and reduced complexity.

8. Descriptor Wallets:

  • Wallet Management: RGB uses descriptor wallets, a technology that precisely describes how a Bitcoin wallet manages its UTXOs, providing advanced support for complex signature setups and spending conditions. This is fundamental for the flexibility needed in managing tokenized assets and smart contracts.

9. Networking and Data Infrastructure:

  • Data Propagation: Although the Bitcoin blockchain is used for commitments, the RGB protocol requires infrastructure to propagate contract and state data between participants. This may include using peer-to-peer (P2P) networks and other decentralized solutions to efficiently share and synchronize data.
  • Abstracted Data Layer: RGB is designed to be agnostic regarding the data layer used to transmit information, allowing various networks and protocols to be used as needed.

10. LNP/BP Standards:

  • Layer Protocol Standards: The Really Good Bitcoin protocol is part of the technology and standards set known as LNP/BP (Layered Networking Protocol/Bitcoin Protocol). These standards define how different network and blockchain layers interact, enabling interoperability and the creation of advanced solutions on Bitcoin.

In summary, the RGB protocol integrates multiple technologies to create a robust system for smart contracts and tokenized assets, while upholding the principles of privacy, security, and scalability within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Comparison with other Bitcoin Solutions


Unlike Drivechains, which depend on BIP300 and BIP301 proposals and require significant changes to Bitcoin, such as hard forks, the RGB protocol operates with Bitcoin’s existing technology. It can also adapt flexibly to future upgrades without necessitating alterations to Bitcoin’s main layer.


While Ordinals store all data directly on the blockchain, the RGB protocol records only data commitments. This approach significantly reduces blockchain space usage while leveraging the security of UTXOs.

Moreover, this design facilitates smoother integration with the Lightning Network.

RGB and the Lightning Network

When integrating RGB with the Lightning Network, it is important to note that the Lightning protocol itself does not require modification. Instead, adjustments are needed in the software managing transactions, as it must account for RGB’s state to correctly handle commitments in UTXOs.

Currently, there are two main Lightning node implementations that support RGB:

The first is the LNP Node, developed by the LNP/BP Standards Association, designed to work with both the Lightning Network and the RGB protocol. The second implementation was developed by the Bitfinex team, who modified the LNDK node to add support for RGB.

Additionally, studies are underway to integrate RGB with C-Lightning (now called Core Lightning) using the plugin infrastructure. This would be possible with small modifications to plugin APIs, allowing RGB to be used alongside this node.

Thus, for RGB protocol to work in a Lightning channel, both participants must run RGB-compatible software. This requires a specific version of the Lightning node that supports RGB, allowing RGB communication between them during asset issuance or transfer. 

As these transactions are off-chain, they don’t need to be recorded on the blockchain, offering significant advantages in scalability and privacy.

One of the main reasons for transferring sats within the RGB ecosystem is the possibility of adding extra functionalities, such as token issuance or performing more complex operations that wouldn’t be possible solely with the standard Lightning Network.

Thus, by using an RGB-compatible Lightning node, users can integrate their sats into the RGB ecosystem, expanding operational possibilities, including the issuance and transfer of digital assets under more elaborate conditions.

What to expect from the RGB Protocol in the future?

The future of RGB holds immense potential, but a crucial step is its adoption by real-world projects. Currently, there is some confusion about whether RGB is on “mainnet” or “testnet.” It is important to note that RGB is not a network in the traditional sense, like Bitcoin or the Lightning Network.

RGB does not independently connect to a specific network. Instead, when an asset is issued using RGB, it is tied to a chosen network, whether Bitcoin’s “mainnet” or “testnet.” The decision lies entirely with the issuer.

If an asset is issued on RGB’s “mainnet,” it will exist on “mainnet.” Each smart contract in RGB operates in isolation, functioning like a shard or a “blockchain” of its own, though RGB itself is not a blockchain.

Some assets have already been issued on “mainnet,” but it is generally recommended to continue using “testnet” until substantial and proven economic activity on RGB demonstrates the system’s security.

While the protocol has undergone test coverage, no formal audits have been completed yet. Addressing this gap is a priority for the coming months.

Although some companies have expressed interest in conducting audits, the nonprofit organization behind RGB has limited funding, which constrains the scope of these efforts. As such, individuals or entities choosing to use RGB on “mainnet” are responsible for ensuring they are satisfied with the protocol’s security level.


As we have seen, although the protocol has existed for some time, the RGB ecosystem is still in its early stages. While the primary infrastructure is already operational, there are still few applications available, and it may take time for RGB to expand its tools and attract more users. 

It is essential to remember that RGB development is driven by the Bitcoin community and progresses more slowly, with less marketing focus. In addition, developers need to acquire extensive knowledge, not only about Bitcoin, but also about state transitions and specific RGB contracts, which can pose a challenge.

However, if you want to learn more about the RGB protocol, you can visit, where you’ll find detailed information, including source code repositories, specifications, and installation instructions.

We hope this article has helped you understand a bit more about the complex world of the RGB protocol.

Until the next time and Opt Out!

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Area Bitcoin

Area Bitcoin is an educational Bitcoin school that aims to accelerate the financial and intellectual sovereignty of all individuals.

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