Bitcoin makes us more optimistic about the future by demonstrating resilience and continuous growth in the face of crises, inflation, and the diminishing purchasing power of fiat currencies, reaffirming its value as an investment.

Hope is an intrinsic characteristic of human beings, fundamental to our evolution since primitive times. It was this belief in a better and more optimistic future that propelled us throughout history.

In this same context, Bitcoin reinforces this drive for better days. As we understand more about Bitcoin, we realize how it offers more positive prospects for the future, contrasting with the prevailing pessimism today.

We live in an era where chaos and negativity are increasingly present. However, Bitcoin invites us to adopt a more optimistic view of life and the future.

In this article, we will show how Bitcoin can transform the negative view brought by the fiat mentality. Beyond being a technological and monetary innovation, Bitcoin carries a message of hope for humanity, representing a paradigm shift and offering an alternative to the traditional financial system, enabling a more positive outlook on life.

Let’s dive in?

The metaphor of the half-full and half-empty glass

You might be wondering how Bitcoin makes us more optimistic about the future. The famous metaphor of the half-full and half-empty glass illustrates this change in perspective perfectly.

Faced with a glass at the same level of liquid, some people see it as half empty, while others see it as half full. This metaphor reflects how each person looks at reality and how there can be two different interpretations of the same scenario.

In essence, Bitcoin encourages us to see the glass as half full. It promotes a vision of abundance and potential, guiding us towards a more optimistic view of the world.

Therefore, Bitcoin offers a much better future perspective than any other we know. With Bitcoin, we see the glass as half full—or better yet, overflowing.

If we depended solely on the traditional financial system, the glass would be depressingly half empty. This is one of the reasons why many people are increasingly pessimistic about the future.

To understand how Bitcoin changes our mindset and perspective on the future, let’s first understand how the fiat system keeps us in a spiral of negativity.

The spiral of negativity

Chaos, pessimism, and negativity have spread worldwide, along with various forms of conflict, crises, and polarization.

For example, at this moment, we are witnessing multiple wars in real-time, such as the conflict between Israel and Hamas, growing tensions involving China and Taiwan, and the war between Russia and Ukraine, which has been ongoing for several years.

Spiral of negativity

All these conflicts result in sadness, affecting people who lose loved ones, friends, and their assets. Even if we are not physically close, we feel the impact of these tragedies globally.

In addition to wars, the global economy faces significant challenges, with inflation hitting various countries and accentuating the impoverishment of the population as a whole.

Moreover, political polarization is a global movement that has divided friends, families, and essentially the entire society into conflicting worldviews.

We have reached a point where no one understands each other anymore, and the solution from one side is seen as disastrous by the other side of the political spectrum.

Where is the middle ground? After all, don’t we all want the same things: to live in peace, with prosperity and security?

Finally, natural disasters such as wildfires and floods are examples of calamities that are not limited to a single region but occur in various parts of the world, perpetuating an endless cycle of negative news.

Do you realize that when watching the news on television or following news on social media, we are bombarded with sensationalism and tragedies? It may seem harmless, but the truth is that through this content, our brain receives stimuli that keep us constantly on alert, in a state of fight or flight

A stressed person using his phone

Faced with so many challenges, it is difficult to maintain a positive and optimistic view of the world.

But is the outlook really that bad? Aren’t there good things happening in the world?

Let’s find out!

The fiat world and control

Despair prevails because paying attention to the negative is a behavior rooted in survival mechanisms that date back to our Neanderthal ancestors.


In the jungle, our ancestors needed to be constantly vigilant for dangers and predators that could attack them. This continuous state of alertness was vital for survival.

This is why we are conditioned to give more attention to negative information than positive ones.

Today, negative news exploits this primitive mechanism. This is why bad news is more propagated than positive news. As a result, we end up consuming and contaminating ourselves with this pessimistic view of everything.

In addition, when gathering with friends, conversations often revolve around negative events, political and economic problems, insecurity, and disasters.

Therefore, besides biological and social conditioning, media and social network algorithms amplify this tendency intentionally; the competition for attention reinforces the power of negative news, as they generate more engagement and views than positive news.

This phenomenon is so intense that some profiles are even known for their apocalyptic worldviews, a behavior known as “doomerism.”

What is doomerism?

Doomerism is characterized by a generalized perception that the future will be worse, creating a sense of imminent apocalypse and constant degradation.

The behavior became so popular that a memetic figure was created to represent that friend already disillusioned with the world: the doomer guy.

Doome guy meme

But if we stop to reflect, this dissemination of fear and pessimism may have a purpose: control.

When people are afraid, they remain in a state of fight or flight and become more susceptible to accepting any measure that promises to protect them from danger. This vulnerability facilitates control over people, as frightened individuals tend to delegate power more easily to intermediaries who promise to eliminate possible threats. 

Fear leads people to seek external solutions for issues that could be resolved by themselves, often ignoring their own capacity to act.

How to face this wave of negativity?

The key to facing this wave of negativity lies in self-confidence.

When people feel capable of solving problems, even in the face of fear, they can better understand the scenario and act proactively. This confidence allows them to leave the state of fight or flight and adopt a more resolute stance.

However, what we see nowadays is the opposite: many people do not feel capable of dealing with problems and depend on intermediaries for solutions. We have been indoctrinated and trained to remain in this fight or flight mentality, dominated by fear.

This is particularly evident when it comes to money. We have been conditioned to fear managing our own money and to delegate this responsibility to banks and governments.

By relinquishing financial autonomy, a control mechanism over the population’s wealth was established, manipulating the economy and perpetuating the fiat mentality.

Money shapes our way of thinking and seeing the world. If you use a “melting ice cube” currency, which loses value and makes you constantly poorer, your financial perspective is one of impoverishment and growing difficulties.

However, if you use a currency that gains value and multiplies your wealth over the years, you have increasing abundance and self-confidence to face future challenges.

A new perspective

Apocalyptic predictions have always existed and will continue to exist.

Faced with this, we have two paths:

1. Cling to the predictions

Clinging to these predictions means believing that the world is about to end and that everything will explode.

This path leads to extreme pessimism, inaction, and despair, where we don’t make plans, build homes, create families, and metaphorically shrink into holes, paralyzed by fear and sadness.

This mindset hinders evolution.

2. Adopt a different perspective

Apart from the first path, you can follow the second path and adopt a different perspective.

Looking at history, we realize that the world has faced catastrophic events, such as ice ages and comet impacts that wiped out the dinosaurs. However, the planet is resilient and, in many ways, surprising. We, humans, have survived numerous adversities and are here, alive and navigating the universe.

Is it really that easy to destroy our planet and wipe out humanity? Even in the face of environmental crises, we need to remember that some events are beyond our control. 

We have always been bombarded with end-of-the-world predictions, such as the buzz around the Mayan calendar and the supposed end of the world in 2012. 

Throughout history, entire civilizations have lived in fear of catastrophic predictions in the style of Nostradamus. Currently, there is talk of solar explosions that could destroy our technology. 

The point is: what do we do with this information? 

Comparing financial systems and mindsets, we realize that many of these predictions and fears are used to keep people in high temporal preference. This means focusing only on the short term, without planning for the future.

When we are in survival mode, fighting and fleeing, we concentrate only on the present. We need immediate food and protection, neglecting any long-term planning. This reactive state prevents a future vision and proactive action.

How can Bitcoin make us more optimistic?

The discussion about Bitcoin and its role in making us more optimistic about the future arises from this context.

Unlike the short-term and survival mentality, Bitcoin promotes a long-term vision, encouraging planning and building a better future.

Thus, instead of sinking into pessimism, adopting Bitcoin can help us look beyond immediate crises, cultivating a sense of self-confidence and resilience about the future.

Fiat pessimism vs. Bitcoin optimism

Bitcoin challenges the traditional fiat mentality, which often perpetuates fear, anxiety, and compulsion. By adopting a more optimistic and future-oriented approach, we can break out of the fight-or-flight cycle, planning and acting to build a more positive and sustainable world. 

Therefore, Bitcoin not only challenges the traditional financial system but also transforms people’s mindsets. Money is extremely powerful because it shapes the way we see the world; thus, depending on the type of currency we use, our outlook on life and the future can be radically different. 

If you use fiat money, which is constantly losing value and gradually and silently making you poorer, it is easy to fall into the trap of consumerism and fear. 

The media often uses negative news to keep people alert and focused on the short term. This leads to a mindset where the future is not planned, and every decision is based on the immediate need for compensation and survival.

Do not be deceived!

This short-term outlook affects all areas of life, from health choices to relationships, promoting an environment of physical and mental exhaustion—one of the main effects of the fiat system, where many find themselves trapped in an endless cycle of work without significant progress in quality of life.

It is the famous rat race or hamster wheel, where no matter how hard you try, you never effectively move forward.

Rat race

Today’s society revolves around fiat money, whether it’s the real, the dollar, the euro; all of them lose value over time.

The standard path to follow

From a young age, we are taught to follow a standard path: go to school, then to college, get a job, retire, and eventually pass away.

Education is often seen as a means to prepare us for the job market; schools have become “factories of workers.

The focus has been on studying to work and earn money, but the problem is that fiat money continuously devalues. Therefore, entire populations are educated to work and compete in the job market, but at no point do we question what we are working for.

That is, we are trained to chase money, but we never question the nature of money.

This is why we are doomed to manipulation if we continue using fiat money. We will work more and more, exhausting our health and lifetime chasing melting ice cubes.

Ice cube melting, symbolizing fiat money.

Bitcoin, on the other hand, promotes a long-term vision and frees us from this relentless chase. It gives us the confidence to plan for the future, knowing that our money will not lose value, allowing us to work more calmly, take care of our health, and build our lives and relationships in a more balanced way.

Moreover, Bitcoin allows for greater balance because, with it, you no longer need to live just to work. As you accumulate Bitcoin, you see your wealth gradually multiply, opening up more space for other activities beyond just work.

Change your mindset with Bitcoin!

When you start studying and accumulating Bitcoin, your perception of money and the future changes drastically. 

Understanding how the traditional financial system is corrupt and ineffective, and how Bitcoin offers a fairer and more transparent alternative, helps people adopt a more positive and proactive mindset.

After all, there is a way out!

By trusting Bitcoin’s properties, much like people in the past trusted gold, we recognize its immutable nature.

In the past, people stored gold because they trusted its atomic properties and difficulty to alter. Bitcoin offers the same security.

Bitcoin’s code cannot be altered by anyone. Its decentralization and limitation to 21 million units ensure that no government, company, or individual can monopolize it. This makes it a true digital force of nature, ensuring that anyone who accumulates Bitcoin will have a much better quality of life in the future.

Additionally, Bitcoin gives people the responsibility and ability to control their own money and destiny. This leads to increased self-confidence and the ability to face challenges, as people feel their money has real and growing value. It gives back the power of choice, security, and allows for long-term planning.

This contrasts sharply with the sense of helplessness, anxiety, and failure that accompanies those who choose to stay in the fiat system.

Therefore, while the fiat mentality leaves people dependent on others, Bitcoin empowers individuals.

Final considerations

We hope this article has helped you realize that Bitcoin is not just a financial innovation but also a mental revolution. Just as the fiat system has shaped our financial reality and choices, Bitcoin has the potential to restructure our priorities and activate a new way of living where optimism and prosperity guide the way.

This is how Bitcoin makes us more optimistic about the future!

Oh, and remember: choose Bitcoin and opt out of fiat.

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Written by
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Carol Souza

One of the leading Bitcoin educators in Brazil and the founder of Area Bitcoin, one of the largest Bitcoin schools in the world. She has participated in Bitcoin and Lightning developer seminars by Chaincode (NY) and is a regular speaker at Bitcoin conferences around the world, including Adopting Bitcoin, Satsconf, Bitcoin Atlantis, Surfin Bitcoin, and more.

Ícone do X

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